
{Alex & Elia}

Looking through my archived images of 2010, and realized I never posted these! Alex & Elia were such a great couple to photograph - full of life, love, and everything in-between. Congratulations to you both!!


3 Stooges

{need I say more?}


Sara & Jordan




{so they got married.}


One. . . and counting.

Pitter patter of feet. Singing while laying with me. Belly laughs as I tickled her. Twinkle in her eye, and smile on her face. This my friends, is my adorable niece - Chloe Sophia. Happy birthday to the cutest one year old around. ;)


Alive & Adventurous

Yes, that would definitely define me. Fear does strike me, yet, there is always this sense of accomplishing something that I inwardly didn't think could be done. This blog was created as a reminder of the mountains that were moved by God, because of a greater faith than in myself. May I always carry that adventuresome soul within me - wherever He leads, and I follow.